BPK Calls The Ministry Of PUPR Successfully Overcoming Floods In Jakarta Through Sukamahi Dam

Member IV BPK RI Haerul Saleh said the Ministry of PUPR was the party that played a role in overcoming flooding in DKI Jakarta Province.

This cannot be separated from the role of the Sukamahi Dam, Bogor, which was built by the Ministry of PUPR.

"In the past, as far as I know, the one who managed to overcome flooding in Jakarta was the city of Jakarta, it turns out that this is here (The Sukamahi Dam)," said Haerul Saleh at the Sukamahi Dam, Bogor, West Java, on Monday, August 8.

Haerul Saleh assessed that the water discharge when flooding occurred in Jakarta is now decreasing, due to the presence of the Sukamahi Dam managed by the Ministry of PUPR.

"(The Sukamahi Dam) can anticipate so that the reduced flood water discharge that goes there (DKI Jakarta), and the management is turned out to be by PUPR and not Jakarta City," he said.

On that occasion, Haerul Saleh also praised the Ministry of PUPR for successfully managing finances with a large budget to successfully get the title of Unqualified (WTP).

He admitted that he did not believe in this.

"At first I didn't believe (the Ministry of PUPR) could manage finances properly, but yesterday I got a lot of information that (it was true), then I had the best award and so on," he said.

So, he continued, the Ministry of PUPR managed to get five WTP opinions and could serve as a model as a good state financial manager for other ministries or institutions.

For your information, the Sukamahi Dam, which has the concept of a dry dam (dry dam), has officially operated to reduce flooding around the Ciliwung River.

Sukamahi Dam is not only a flood control for the capital city of Jakarta, but also the development of ecotourism in the Puncak Bogor area by utilizing potential natural resources.