The Most Wanted Job In 2025: Here's The Leak

YOGYAKARTA - Currently, along with the progress of the times and the sophistication of various technologies today, various types of work are no longer the same as before. There is work that has long been lost and there are also those that continue to be targeted in the future.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has released an up-to-date report on the prediction of the most sought-after work worldwide by 2025.

Since 2016, WEF itself has indeed analyzed the much sought-after potential work.

You need to know that WEF itself is a world research institution that publishes the results of studies on global economic growth every year, listed on employment and learning zones.

Well, follow the complete data adrift of work that is very sought after and has the potential to hialng in 2025 for the WEF.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Specialist

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Specialists are very much sought after in 2025. AI and Machine Learning themselves are very popular technologies to be discussed in the commercial world today.

Given that the industry uses this innovation to build smart machines and applications.

These two technologies are widely used to save time, pay, and energy because this work can be done evenly with AI and Machine Learning.

Although these two technologies cannot be separated, both have significant comparisons.

AI or artificial intelligence is a pc system that can carry out tasks that usually require human intelligence.

This technology itself can make decisions by analyzing and using information in the system.

Meanwhile, Machine Learning is an artificial intelligence (AI) application that provides the system automatically to be able to learn and increase the source system to experience without being explicitly programmed.

This technology is likened to the process of 'learning' engine by analyzing large amounts of information.

Well, in 2025 it is estimated that the industry will compete to adopt AI technology to encourage business development.

AI and Machine Learning themselves are pc systems designed to imitate human-thinking methods.

Even so, it does not mean that AI can take over the position of humans who can think for themselves.

To build a method of thinking from the AI-based product or breakup, a Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Specialist is needed.

Big Data Specialist

Big Data Specialist or Big Data Analyst is a very much sought-after job which is expected to be very much sought after in 2025 for the WEF. Have you heard enough frequent with the word big data analyst?

This profession has many benefits for business growth. Big Data Analysis also functions in industrial strategic planning, one of which is through identifying market trends.

Not only business management, Big Data Analysis also functions for human energy source management in an industry.

Among other things, helping the appropriate employee recruitment process that can help improve business performance.

Data Analysts and Scientist Data

The predicted initial work is highly sought after in all parts of the world by 2025, including Analysts Information and Scientist Information.

Technically, information analysts or Analysts information are a person in charge of studying and analyzing information with a certain push for tools.

On the other hand, Scientist Information is a person in charge of processing data.

Analysts data itself is responsible for reviewing information and recognizing key insights about business, especially consumer data.

Where someone who carries this profession is also tasked with creating a method so that data can be used to solve business cases.

Process Automation Specialist

The Process Automation Specialist or known as specialization of process automation is one of the most sought-after fields in 2025.

Someone's Process Automation Specialist is tasked with producing a system to make manual work automatic by using technology to find more optimal results.

Where the system is expected to be able to carry out various repeated jobs that take over manual workers.

So after knowing the most searched job in 2025, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!