Land Bank Agency Completes IKN Nusantara Airport Boundary Installation

The Land Bank Agency has completed the installation of a 360 hectare boundary in North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, which is prepared for the construction site of Naratetama Airport as a supporting infrastructure for transportation for the City of Nusantara, the capital city of Indonesia. new.

The installation of land boundary markers prepared for the Naratemana Airport area has been completed 100 percent according to the target set by the central government.

"Currently, the process of working on the construction of land acquisition airports (airports) has reached 40 percent," said the Head of the North Penajam Paser Regency Land Bank Project, Syafran Zamzami, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, July 29.

The Land Bank Agency was able to complete the installation of the land boundary for the construction site of Naratetama Airport on July 27, 2023, according to the central government's target.

The land for the airport construction area is part of the former land (business use rights) of PT Triteknik Kalimantan Abadi (TKA), which is managed by the Land Bank Agency covering an area of 4,162 hectares.

The location for the construction of airports supporting Nusantara City transportation is located in parts of Gersik Village and Lango Beach Village, Penajam District, North Penajam Paser Regency.

The central government has issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 31 of 2023, as a regulation for accelerating the construction and operation of Naratetama Airport (very imported person/VVIP) for transportation supports for the City of Nusantara.

After the land preparation is complete, he said, the central government will start working on the physical construction of the airport according to Presidential Decree No. 31/2023.

The supporting airport of the City of Nusantara will be built with a runway length of 3,000 meters and can accommodate wide Airbus A400 aircraft.

The airport for the capital city of Indonesia is built with the type of international airport, as well as military needs can be used in coordination with the Indonesian Air Force.

Obstacles in the process of installing boundary markers and land preparation for airport areas such as land where swamps can be resolved, then the physical construction work is carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing and the Ministry of Transportation.