Minister Of PANRB: PPPK Receives Increase In Periodic Salaries And Special Salaries
JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) who meet the requirements can now receive periodic salary increases and special salary increases.
"The periodic salary increase is given to PPPK which has a working agreement period of more than two years and of course for those who have met certain requirements," Anas said in a statement quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 27.
This rule is contained in the Minister of PANRB Regulation Number 7 of 2023 concerning the Increase in Periodic Salaries and the Increase in Special Salaries for PPPK. Previously, there was no regulation regarding salary increases for PPPK, be it periodic salary increases or special salary increases.
MenPAN RB explained that periodic salary increases for PPPK are given when they meet a number of requirements. These requirements are that they have reached a Class Working Period (MKG) which is determined for periodic salary increases as stated in the Attachment of PermenPANRB Number 7 of 2023.
In addition, periodic salary increases are given to PPPK who have received performance assessments in the last two years with the lowest annual performance predicate of good value in accordance with regulations related to the management of the performance of state civil servants (ASN).
These requirements are excluded for PPPK with the V salary group. For PPPK with the V salary class, periodic salary increases are first given to PPPK who have more than one year of work agreement.
"The periodic salary increase for PPPK with the V salary group, for the first time given if it has reached one year of MKG," he explained.
PPPK with the salary group V who want to receive a periodic salary increase for the first time must also have the lowest performance value in the past year.
Furthermore, the periodic salary increase for PPPK with the V salary class for the next period is given following the provisions of periodic salary increases for PPPK with a work agreement period of more than two years.
In addition to being able to receive a periodic salary increase, continued Anas, PPPK is also entitled to an increase in special salaries. PPPK, which has the right to receive a special salary increase, is an employee who received the annual performance predicate very well for two consecutive years and was determined as an exemplary employee.
According to him, the same rule applies to employees who get an extension of the PPPK work agreement period to receive periodic salary increases and special salaries.
The provision of periodic salary increases for PPPK is determined by a Decree of an authorized Official (PyB) or an official given delegation by PyB.
The decision of PyB or officials granted delegation by PyB contains at least names; employee identification number; class/position; work agreement extension; work agreement position; work unit position; amount of old salary; amount of new salary; working period that has been served; and date of enactment of new salary.
This regulation is to follow up on Presidential Regulation no. 98/2020 concerning PPPK Salaries and Allowances. It is stipulated that PPPK can be given a periodic salary increase or an increase in special salary which is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation," concluded Anas.