Realizing A Safe Work Environment, Pupuk Kaltim Wins Three Awards From The Ministry Of Manpower

PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) won three categories of the National Work Safety and Health Award (K3) from the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker), for the commitment to implementing K3 programs and norms within the company. The award was handed over symbolically by the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah at The Tribrata Darmawangsa Jakarta, Thursday, June 22.

The three awards include the Zero Accident Award for the achievement of zero accidents with 52.3 million safe working hours, the P2HIV/AIDS Award and the P2COVID-19 Award, each of which won the Platinum title.

Director of Operations and Production of Pupuk Kaltim Hanggara Patrianta, said that this award is a form of Pupuk Kaltim's commitment to continue to prioritize the principles and values of K3 consistently and continuously. Where, the implementation of K3 Pupuk Kaltim refers to the Work Safety and Health Management System (SMK3), as an absolute thing that must be fulfilled in supporting company activities.

The implementation of SMK3 Pupuk Kaltim refers to Government Regulation Number 50 of 2012, with the fulfillment of the ISO 45001:2018 standard to increase consumer confidence both nationally and globally.

"This is supported by the application of international standard standards, such as IFA Protect and Sustain and Respondible Care," said Hanggara.

The implementation of SMK3 is also an effort to fulfill Pupuk Kaltim to ensure the fulfillment of K3 aspects in all activities. Starting from identifying risk, to analyzing the assessment and risk mitigation efforts using a number of tools, such as the Risk Management System (Simeni) which is integrated in all company business processes. Identification of potential risks is also carried out starting from the employee's personal level through Job Desk Analysis, SOP/Work Instruction and Joint Risk Assessment (JRA).

In addition, Pupuk Kaltim also launched the Stop Work Authority (SWA) guidelines, in increasing awareness of working safely in the company environment. Where every employee can remind their colleague to stop immediately, if they find an unsafe condition while working. This is a form of joint responsibility to take care of each other and prioritize safety when doing activities.

"The SWA guidelines are a reference for all company personnel to take care of each other in their work, as well as efforts to minimize the risk related to K3 in their daily activities. From that, Pupuk Kaltim is able to reach 56 million hours of safe work without accidents until May 2023," said Hanggara.

In line with the company's commitment through the slogan 'Safety is Our Personality', Pupuk Kaltim sees that success in carrying out production excellence can be achieved by placing K3 as one of the main foundations. Where the K3 aspect is an effort to protect workers while preventing events that have the potential to cause fatality, injury personnel, losses to negative impacts on the environment.

Meanwhile, regarding P2COVID-19, Pupuk Kaltim is carried out through a comprehensive prevention and control program. Includes the Tracing, Testing and Treatment (3T) program, the implementation of the 6M health protocol, to the provision of vitamins and vaccinations for both primary and booster employees and families.

Pupuk Kaltim also applies ISO 45005:2020 as a guideline for working safely to maintain the continuity of business processes during the pandemic, supported by all employees and third parties within the Company.

"Parana and supporting infrastructure for COVID-19 prevention are also provided in the workplace, while remaining committed to massive implementing 3T," continued Hanggara.

Likewise with P2HIV/AIDS, Pupuk Kaltim was realized by forming the HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Program Committee which focuses on socialization and training to testing within the company and society.

Periodically, Pupuk Kaltim also facilitates Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services for all employees and families, as well as examinations of infectious diseases. Covering Tuberculosis (TB), sexually transmitted infections (IMS) to non-communicable diseases with increased participation from year to year.

"The East Kalimantan fertilizer also removes stigma and discrimination against employees suffering from HIV/AIDS, by providing support or therapy assistance for ODHA. This includes not distinguishing workers from HIV/AIDS cases in work and career opportunities," said Hanggara.

Furthermore, this National K3 award is also a motivation for Pupuk Kaltim to continue to improve K3 performance, in order to create a safe and healthy work environment in increasing productivity. And has become part of the work culture inherent in every operational activity within the Company.

"As K3 challenges grow, Pupuk Kaltim always strives to increase innovation 4.0 in the field of K3 by integrating Smart Production, to prevent work accidents," added Hanggara Patrianta.

The Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, said that this National K3 award is a form of appreciation as well as motivation for companies and employers in Indonesia, to always prioritize the K3 aspect in business activities. Where K3 has been included in the principle of basic rights in the workplace, and ratified by the International Employment Organization (ILO) which recognizes that K3 is part of Human Rights (HAM).

"This is also followed up by the Government through the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower Number 88 of 2023, concerning the prevention and handling of sexual violence in the workplace, as a form of protecting human rights in the world of work in Indonesia," said Ida Fauziyah.

Ida revealed that the company that received zero work accidents in 2023 experienced an increase of 3.8 percent. Where in 2022 there were 1,742 companies that won zero accident awards, and in 2023 1,812 companies. However, for companies implementing SMK3, it actually decreased by 14 percent, namely in 2022 there were 2,004 companies and decreased to 1,749 companies in 2023.

So along with the increasing development of Smelters in strengthening industrial downstreaming in Indonesia, the Ministry of Manpower is increasingly actively monitoring employment and K3, to maintain a balance between rights and obligations between employers and workers. Especially in the midst of the growing labor challenges, the K3 aspect must be a concern and priority for the business world in Indonesia.

"The government also appreciates business actors who continue to prioritize K3 in business activities, where the number of companies that maintain zero accidents every year continues to increase," concluded Ida Fauziyah.