How Long Will Sunburn Effect Be Lost? Here's How To Speed It Up

YOGYAKARTA Sunburn is a term that refers to the condition of the burnt skin due to exposure to excess sunlight. A person who has sunburn cannot recover in an instant, must know how to treat the skin to prevent it from getting worse. Then how long will the sunburn effect disappear?

As explained earlier about what sunburn is, this condition occurs because the skin is stung by the sun for a relatively long time. This condition is commonly experienced by people living in hot areas, or experienced by tourists playing on the beach for too long.

There are several conditions that cause a person to be more at high risk of being exposed to sunburn, as follows.

Symptoms of sunburn can be felt and can be seen with the naked eye. Some of the conditions that become sunburn symptoms are as follows.

Sunburn effects can be felt by sesoerang within a matter of days, depending on the severity felt. The average sunburn effect will disappear for 3 days to 10 days To speed up healing and prevent the sunburn effect from getting worse, follow the following tips.

When the sunburn effect does not improve, you are advised to immediately see a doctor. Some sunburn conditions that must be treated immediately by a doctor are as follows.

That's the answer to the question of how long the sunburn effect will last. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.