Gus Yasin Reveals Ganjar Pranowo's Success In Making Central Java PAD In 2022 Exceeds Target

JAKARTA - The realization of Regional Original Revenue (PAD) of Central Java Province throughout 2022, has succeeded in exceeding the target. This success is due to optimization through intensification and extensification of regional income sources.

This fact was conveyed by Deputy Governor of Central Java Taj Yasin Maimoen during a plenary meeting at the Berlian Building with the agenda of the Central Java Governor's response to the General View of Provincial DPRD Factions on Accountability for the Implementation of the Central Java Provincial Budget, 2022 Fiscal Year.

Gus Yasin, as the deputy governor is called, explained that in the field of motor vehicle taxes, the success of income is carried out through expanding the service base. In addition to providing convenience for the community in paying regional taxes, it is also to update object data, by developing information systems.

"In the retribution sector, regulations and roadmap validation of mapping objects of regional wealth are carried out to optimize PAD's acquisition, as well as plans to adjust the retribution rate," said Gus Yasin, in a statement Wednesday, June 14.

In the field of managing separated regional assets, the Deputy Governor continued, improvements were made to the governance and changes in BUMD institutions to Perseroda. Institutions are changed, so that institutions are more professional in managing their business processes.

"This effort shows success, namely the realization of PAD for the 2022 fiscal year of IDR 16.264 trillion, an increase of IDR 1.569 trillion compared to the 2021 fiscal year," said Gus Yasin.

The Deputy Governor detailed that regional income from the regional tax sector was realized 98.04 percent, regional retribution 105.37 percent, regional wealth management results separated 100%, and other legitimate PADs of 122.33 percent.