Members Of The National Police Suspected Of Rape Of Teenagers In Parigi Moutong Tried For Ethics

PALU - A member of the National Police with the rank of Ipda with the initials MKS, a suspect in raping a teenage girl in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi, is now undergoing criminal legal proceedings and ethical sanctions from the institution.

"Against the members of the National Police, apart from being subject to criminal sanctions, the suspect is also subject to ethical sanctions, which are currently running all processes simultaneously," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Djoko Wienartono, in Palu City, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 12.

Djoko said that as many as 11 people who were named rape suspects had been arrested and detained. The last suspect with the initials AW was arrested by the police in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi.

"Sejumlah tersangka saat ini sudah dilakukan penahanan di Mapolda Sulteng untuk menjalani proses hukum lanjutan," terangnya.

The Central Sulawesi Regional Police have examined nine witnesses related to the rape case of this minor.

Djoko said the case file for the immoral case was being accelerated and it was planned that next week it would be transferred to the prosecutor's office.

If the investigator has finished carrying out the examination and the file is declared P21, then the National Police investigator will coordinate with the public prosecutor to follow up on the next legal process.

"Currently, we are still waiting for the results of the investigation," he said.

Eleven suspects were charged with Article 81 paragraph 2 of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, with a minimum penalty of five years in prison and a maximum of 15 years in prison.

"The determination of this punishment is based on the studies and opinions of experts, as well as one article applied to all suspects because all perpetrators have their respective roles," he said.