In The Last Month, 33 Drug Dealers In Bogor Have Been Snatched By The Police

BOGOR - Bogor City Police have arrested 33 suspects in drug cases. The arrests were made during the period May 2023 to June 6, 2023.

The suspects used various modes to circulate drugs and illegal drugs, from sending maps to utilizing social media.

"Starting from May 2023 to June 6, 2023. The Police Narcotics Unit managed to secure 33 drug suspects," said Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso, Wednesday, June 7.

Of the total 33 drug suspects arrested, the perpetrators were spread from various points, namely North Bogor District 4 points, East Bogor 4 points, South Bogor 4 points, Central Bogor 5 points.

Then, West Bogor District 9 points, up to 5 suspects were secured from Tanah Sareal District.

"We see this fact, of course, we will intensively carry out operations in West Bogor District," he said.

Kombes Pol Bismo explained that the suspects who were arrested for the misuse of methamphetamine were 16 people, 4 people in marijuana, 4 psychotropic people, and 9 people in synthetic tobacco.

Meanwhile, the evidence that was successfully secured included 223.88 grams of methamphetamine, 776.11 grams of dried marijuana, 235.22 grams of synthetic marijuana, and 149 pills of illegal drugs.

According to him, the Bogor City Police through the Narcotics Unit carried out a series of actions to minimize street crimes, one of which was caused by the influence of drugs.

The street crime in question, explained by Kombes Pol Bismo, both illegal racing, brawls, and other crimes caused by drug influence.

Most of the perpetrators carry out the mode of the adapt system, or some order directly to the dealer through social media, so that some buy seeds or sprayers for the use of synthetic tobacco.

"The perpetrator in this case sprayed (synthetic tobacco), and circulated it," he said.

The suspects were charged with Narcotics Law number 35 of 2009, Article 114, 112 with a penalty of 4 to 12 years in prison.

"For the case of illegal drugs, the perpetrator was charged with Law number 5 of 1997 concerning psychotropic Article 60.62 with a penalty of 5 years in prison," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of Drugs at the Bogor City Police, Kompol Eka Chandra Mulyana, added that most of the suspects arrested were couriers, and some acted as drug dealers.

"But we will investigate it again, especially synthetic designers. They can get and mix themselves, and sell them," he said.

In addition, Kompol Eka Candra admitted that he was committed to eradicating drug cases because it had proven to be the culprit for committing crimes.

Ini adalah salah satu bahan yang bisa menjadi emosi, kurang kesadaran, dan beberapa kasus tawuran balap liar, geng motor ditemukan hasil kasus cek urine positif. Kita lakukan operasi dan mencegah," tukas dia.