Polda Metro Arrests Suspect Of Coldplay Ticket Fraud At Sidrap, South Sulawesi

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya arrested two suspects in fraudulent sales of tickets to the British music group concert, Coldplay in South Sulawesi.

"So, currently the team has secured two perpetrators with their respective roles, then the team is currently developing for other perpetrators who are strongly suspected of being involved," said Head of Unit 2 of Cyber Crimes Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) AKP Charles Bagasar as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 1.

Charles explained that the two suspects were arrested in Sidenreng Rappang Regency, South Sulawesi on Thursday morning at around 03.00 WITA or 02.00 WIB.

"At the time of the arrest, related evidence was found so that the perpetrator could not dodge and admit all his actions," he said.

However, Charles has not been able to provide detailed information such as the initials of the perpetrator, any evidence and the relationship between the two perpetrators.

"Maybe for other information it will be conveyed at the time of a press conference. Currently the team is still pursuing (other perpetrators), please pray for development and all the perpetrators involved can be secured and can be brought to Jakarta," he said.

Previously, the Special Criminal Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya again detected a group of perpetrators of fraudulent tickets to the British music group concert, Coldplay in South Sulawesi.

"We are conducting an in-depth investigation or investigation. The results of the investigation show that the group of perpetrators is in one of the areas of South Sulawesi," said Head of Cyber Unit of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya AKP Charles Bagasar when met at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday (31/5).

Charles explained that he had sent a team to follow up on the findings in order to immediately arrest the fraudster's gang.

"We have sent a team to follow up on these findings. Currently the team has left for the area and we hope for prayers from colleagues so that the perpetrators can be caught and we can reveal and find out behind the fraud mode," he said.

Charles also explained that the reports of varying amounts of losses ranged from millions to hundreds of millions.

"Varriative losses range from Rp. 10 million to hundreds of millions, we are currently still investigating the alleged perpetrators we are pursuing," he said.

The perpetrators Charles explained, using various modes starting from the deposit service (jastip), then offering ticket purchases through social media and also claiming to be people who have access to the sale of concert tickets.