Biofarma Collaborates With Smesco To Develop Herbal Products From MSME Actors

JAKARTA - Biofarma Group through its subsidiary PT Indofarma TBK (INAF) is collaborating with Smesco Indonesia regarding the development of herbal products from MSME actors (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises).

President Director of Indofarma Agus Heru Darjono through his official statement Saturday, May 27, said that Indofarma with qualified herbal treatment facilities is very ready to become a center for the national herbal supply chain, especially to improve the quality of MSMEs engaged in the herbal sector.

"This collaboration provides an opportunity for MSMEs to take advantage of Indofarma's expertise and technology in developing quality herbal products, such as through the process of checking good raw materials and manufacturing processes," he said, as reported by Antara.

In addition, as a social responsibility, Indofarma will also provide training and consultation for MSMEs to improve product quality and certification, so that they can meet national and international standards.

Thus, this collaboration is expected to increase the competitiveness of MSME products in Indonesia, especially in terms of the use of herbal ingredients that are tested for quality and safety.

President Director of Smesco Indonesia Leonard Theosabrata said that the current accessibility of herbal MSMEs is very minimal access to high levels of manufacturing.

"I believe that the existence of Indofarma can bridge the gap. Meanwhile, Smesco will assist in the development and marketing of MSME herbal products through market access and its wide distribution network," said Leonard.

On a separate occasion, the President Director of Pharmaceutical BUMN Holding Honesti Basyir said that Indonesia has natural resources that have the potential to become herbal medicines whose utilization is still not maximized.

"According to data from LIPI, Indonesia has 33 thousand species of medicinal ingredients that have the potential to become herbal medicines, but currently the utilization is still not optimal," he said.

Biofarma Group through Indofarma is ready to assist Indonesian MSMEs in the herbal field in order to produce quality herbal medicines and can compete in the global world so that in addition to improving the welfare of MSMEs in the herbal field, it can also meet the community's need for quality herbal medicines.

Through this collaboration, MSMEs in Indonesia will be more able to compete globally, with quality herbal products and their safety tested. In addition, it can improve the health of the Indonesian people through the use of quality herbal products from local MSMEs.