Sandiaga Disbursed Investment Needs Constraints In The Tourism And Creative Economy Sector Of Up To 8 Billion US Dollars

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno said, Indonesia still needs an investment of around US$8 billion to support the progress of the national parekraf sector.

"If we look at the five priority destinations and several leading destinations, we need 6-8 billion US dollars, meaning above Rp100 trillion. Meanwhile, those that are going are still below the 10 trillion level," Sandiaga told reporters when met in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, May 23.

Sandiaga said the investment would later be used to support 13 sub-sectors in tourism and 17 sectors in the creative economy.

"These hotels, restaurants, and non-cafes are the three main pillars, but also need supply chains to industries based on craft fashion culinary delights as well as more qualified transportation suggestions," he said.

In addition, said Sandiaga, the investment can also be used for the construction of port roads and connectivity to tourism destinations at a number of international airports that open direct flights to Indonesia.

Even so, he continued, the political year is still the reason that investments entering Indonesia are not as expected.

"Therefore, many political years have been waiting and seen, but I say that the political year is now based on the last poll, the level of community satisfaction is high, meaning that pro-investment policies will continue," said Sandiaga.

Therefore, the acceleration of the entry of investment into Indonesia is needed so that development in the national tourism sector can be carried out immediately. "We actually want to accelerate development. So, it's not a wait and see year, but an investment year," he concluded.