3 Differences In Waqf And Grants To Know

YOGYAKARTA Some people think that waqf and grants have the same understanding because they are related to giving something to other parties. In fact, there are differences in waqf and grants that need to be known.

Differences In Waqf And Grants

Differences between waqf and grants can be reviewed from several things. The following article will discuss a slight discrepancy between waqf and grants to avoid misunderstanding of the two terms.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), waqf has some meaning. First, waqf can be interpreted as state land that cannot be handed over to anyone and used for charity purposes. In addition, the next understanding is moving or immovable objects provided for the public interest (Islam) as a sincere gift. Waqf can also be interpreted as a gift.

Meanwhile, grants in KBBI are interpreted as giving (voluntarily) by transferring the right to something else.

On the official website of the Indonesian Waqf Board, waqf is a legal act of a person or group of legal entities that separate part of their assets and then institutionalize these assets for the benefit of worship or the public interest according to Islamic teachings based on the Syafii Madzab.

While grants are the giving of one's property to another when the giver is still alive without wanting to be rewarded or done without any obligation to return.

Objects that are donated are long-lasting so that their use is long-term. Meanwhile, the age of grant goods is usually shorter than waqf goods. For example, donated goods such as land or vehicles. While grants can be in the form of clothes.

The goods donated must meet the benefit elements for the wider community. Meanwhile, goods donated to the benefits can be enjoyed by individuals or certain groups.

In addition to differences in waqf and grants, visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.