Today, Fish Market Sluice Gate Has Alert Two Status, Beware Of Floods In North Jakarta

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) informed the increase in the status of the Fish Market Water Gate, Penjaringan, North Jakarta to Alert 2.

Quoted from the official DKI Jakarta BPBD Twitter account (@BPBDJakarta), Sunday, the water level of the Fish Market Water Gate at 03.00 WIB was at an altitude of 217 cm with Alert 2 status.

"Anticipate areas that are likely to be affected: Kamal Muara, Kapuk Muara, Penjaringan, Pluit, Ancol, Kamal, Marunda, Cilincing, and Kalibaru," wrote BPBD in the official Twitter account @BPBDJakarta in Jakarta quoted by Antara, Sunday (14/5).

Currently, the Fish Market Sluice Gate is on Alert 2 with a thin cloudy weather.

The DKI Jakarta BPBD has disseminated information through social media as well as notifications to the sub-district and village heads regarding the increase in the status of the Fish Market Water Gate.

In a state of emergency, the public is advised to contact the Jakarta Alert call center at number 112.

Meanwhile, the water level at other natural resources service monitoring posts around Jakarta this Sunday morning is at normal status and Alert 3.

Untuk Pintu Air yang berstatus Siaga 3 adalah Pos Angke Hulu dengan pos ketinggian air 220 cm dengan cuaca cuas ringan.

The water level at other monitoring posts is that Pesanggrahan Post is at 90 cm with normal status and cloudy weather.

Meanwhile, Katulampa Post is in the 20 cm position with normal status and thin cloudy weather. Then the Depok post is in the position of 125 cm with a normal status and the weather is thin cloudy.

The Manggarai post is at 655 cm with a normal and light cloudy weather and Krukut Hulu post at 60 cm with normal status and cloudy weather.

Then Pos Karet is in position 280 cm with normal status and thin cloudy weather. Pluit Reservoir Post is in position -190 cm with normal status and weather is light cloudy.

At the Cipinang Hulu Post, the water level is at 115 cm with a normal status and the weather is slightly cloudy.

Then, the Sunter Hulu Post is at 130 cm in normal status and the weather is thin cloudy and the Pulogadung post is at 330 cm with normal status and bright weather.