Costs Of Making Land Certificates In Indonesia

YOGYAKARTA - Never deny the legality of the house, because its existence is very meaningful. Because it can not only provide certainty of legal force in the house owned, the presence of the document can also ensure the selling value of the house. Let's pay for making land certificates in Indonesia.

Dialogue regarding the validity of the house, it must be good if you talk about land or house certificates. Well, for those of you who are currently confused about the method for it, then this is a Provision for Making Land Certificates or Homes and their Costs:

Steps To Create Land Certificates

Saat sebelum Anda membuat sertifikat tanah, Kalian diesulkan untuk mempersiapkan beberapa kelengkapan data seperti:

Create land certificates actually related from the location, allocation and size of the land, for example, a fee for making a land certificate covering an area of 100 m with a position in DKI Jakarta to the cost, namely:

Come to the Regional BPN Office

The first step, you come to the National Land Agency office in the area where the applicant lives. After that, come to the service counter and bring the files that have been prepared. There you just need to fill out the registration form for making land certificates and provide the applicant's identity file. After that, you go to the payment counter to pay the measurement fee and check the land.

Measurement Process

After that, BPN officers will carry out the process of measuring the land, in this way the applicant must be there to accompany. After that, the process will continue with the issuance of the cantah decision letter and continue with the issuance of the regional permit and the issuance of the BPN RI Decree.

Payment for Registration of SK Rights

After that, you are required to pay off the registration of the Rights Decree, after paying it off after that you can get a land certificate.

Time Term For Land Certificate Making

"In fact, the duration of making land certificates is related to the magnitude of the land and the type of land designation," he said,

38 days for:

57 days for:

97 days for:

So after knowing the cost of making land certificates, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!