7 Tips For Building A Stronger Social Connection

YOGYAKARTA An important connection is having, because loneliness is a threat to health, both physically and mentally. Without having a connection, a person may vent it on bad things, such as being lazy to exercise and adopt a civilary lifestyle.

Having a connection is a way to connect socially. Not everyone has the skills to build a connection. To that end, Tcii Davis, Ph.D., consultant and professional writer of well-being aspects, recommends tips for building stronger connections. Before listening and practicing Davis tips, it's important to know that connections are about finding people who make you comfortable being yourself, not too lonely, and have good support. By having a good connection, you can stay strong and healthy. Here are tips from Davis as reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, April 13.

Listen actively to mark your presence completely. Not listening in one direction only, but a nod response or asking questions context with important topics of conversation is also important. Also make sure not to let the mind wander into other things.

Empathy involves mental and emotional efforts to be in someone else's position. For example, when a colleague tells about the situation you are facing, you can understand their point of view. That way a better connection can be established.

A warm and mutual trust relationship builds on honesty. So make sure to tell the truth and be yourself when with your connection.

Managing or managing emotions is the key to dealing with difficulties with those you love. In this context, connections with family, loved ones, and close friends need to involve emotional regulation in order to create warmth and emotional closeness.

Many people don't say the situation verbally. But they 'talk' in body language. Try to put what nonverbal signal says. For example, if someone looks away often, maybe they're signaling they're leaving the conversation and moving on.

Expressing personal information, although little by little, can help others feel closer to us. So it will be useful to improve your connection.

According to Davis, meditation of love is done by imagining sending love to others. This can help strengthen compassion, kindness, and love skills.

Those are the seven tips for building a better social connection. In addition to the tips above, there may still be many ways to create healthy connections both mentally and physically. That is, small things can slowly make you socially connected.