Google Launches Apple-like Feature That Can Save Space On Mobile

JAKARTA - Google is rolling out a new automated archive feature for apps on Android, which will free up storage on users' devices without losing data or completely removing the app.

This feature will archive certain applications automatically, starting with an application that has been installed, deleting up to 60 percent of the storage space occupied on the device while maintaining important user data.

Developers need to add a feature to their app, once it's finished users will start seeing automatic filings appear as a new option.

Users can find out which apps have been archived automatically thanks to the cloud icon with down-looking arrows, appearing on top of the original app icon.

Google says Android will start by archived the most rarely used apps. Thus, when users want to continue using archived apps, they just have to wait a while until the data is downloaded again, but only as long as the app is still available on the Google Play Store.

After the user chooses, the application that is rarely used will be removed part of the device to save space, while the user's personal application icon and data will be maintained," Google said in a statement.

However, not all apps can allow automated filing, as Google says the feature will be limited to apps published using the Bundle format of Android Apps.

Despite the start, considering that the format is mandatory for Android applications since August 2021, this feature should be a new practical option for most user applications.

In fact, Android is quite left behind with Apple, which first had an automated filing feature for the app, quoted from TechRadar, Wednesday, April 12.

The Offload Unused Apps feature has been on the iPhone for almost six years, having been on iOS 11 and remains one of the best ways to free up space on the iPhone.