Morning Or Night Sports, Which Is The Best?

JAKARTA - Some say that morning sports are good because the body can be exposed to healthy sunlight. But there are also those who think that night sports are better because energy can be collected after all day long activities. So, which is right? Morning or night sports?

The benefits obtained by the body when exercising are influenced by hormonal factors and physiological factors. These two factors are also influenced by the biological rhythm of the body which is often called circadiant rhythm. The rhythm of the body's sirkadian is also influenced by daily time such as morning or night, which is called diurnal variation.

However, this variety of diurnals does not only necessarily affect sports. There are also many, for example, the intensity, duration, and types of sports you were doing that day.

Benita Arini Kurniadi, Ai Care's team of doctors said that both morning and evening sports have benefits. The benefits of morning exercise are higher testosterone levels in the morning. The testosterone hormone is useful for burning fats and increasing the effectiveness of sports. In addition, the afterburn effect during morning exercise can last longer so that throughout the day the body will burn calories more optimally. Then, doing cardio exercise in the morning can also increase focus and also concentrate when doing activities throughout the day.

Well, night sports also have many benefits. First, doing exercise at night duration and intensity of exercise becomes longer. Second, there is an increase in body temperature in the afternoon so that exercise becomes more effective. Finally, for those of you who have sleep disturbances, night sports can improve sleep quality if done 3-5 hours before bed.

Then, which one is better for morning or night sports? The answer, both have their own benefits. Depending on your comfort in doing sports between the two times. The most important thing is not the time, but your consistency in doing the sport and choosing what sport you like the most.

Don't forget to pay attention to things that before exercise such as lack of heating and being too tired of exercising.