How To Take Breath When Lifting The Burden, Do This Technique

YOGYAKARTA - Breathing is an important thing to pay attention to during weightlifting. So far, many think that lifting the burden only relies on strength. Whereas breathing is also an important thing to increase strength and avoid the risk of injury. How to control breathing when lifting a load.

Although it is often considered simple, but if the breathing is ignored, the result can be fatal. Because when lifting the burden, an athlete must take a breath and throw it away. However, this respiratory technique is often ignored when someone lifts the burden. So how to control the breath when lifting the burden?

Many people are not aware that respiratory techniques affect the validity and resilience during lifting weights. In addition, usually many people do respiratory techniques carelessly when lifting a burden. The wrong respiratory technique actually makes the strength not optimal to the potential for injury.

Here's how to take a breath while lifting the load:

Take a breath while you are in a relaxed condition, namely before lifting the load and after removing or removing the load. Taking full breath to gather energy or stamina.

Breathing During Contraction Muscle

Take it out or exhale when the muscles are contracting, namely when lifting and pushing the load. Remember, don't hold your breath until it strains. By exhaling when lifting the load, you will have more energy.

Another technique that is quite important to control is breathing through the nose and removing it through the mouth. By breathing through the nose, it allows the air that enters the lungs to be cleaner. Because the air is filtered first by the nose hair. Then just exhale through the mouth.

When you lift a heavy load, the throat and nose channels will be closed. However, it will continue to try to emit air. This condition is called the valsava manufer.

The effect of valsalva maneuvering is to reduce blood flow to the heart. In addition, excessive pressure will actually cause headaches and can even pass out. This condition can occur because blood clots and causes blood to try to get out of the blood vessels. In addition, it can have an impact on unstable heart rate.

If you are in a difficult condition to breathe and exhale smoothly, then you should just breathe normally. It's better to breathe normally than to hold your breath.

When you hold on to the load, the muscles of the body will contract and the blood vessels will be depressed. This condition makes blood flow not smooth, so the heart will work harder and blood pressure will increase.

If a person has a history of heart disorders or cardiovascular disease, then this condition can endanger health. Health problems are prone to occur when blood flow is pinched. Blood will urge blood vessels so that it has the potential to shrink blood vessels.

In addition, high blood pressure can also urge the lungs and ignore back pressure on the heart. This condition can cause the heart to bend. If left protracted, then blood vessels related to the heart can narrow and blood pressure rises.

That's an explanation of how to control your breath when lifting a burden. Do the right breathing technique when lifting the burden so that your strength can be maximized and avoid the risk of injury.

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