The Closing Of The U-Turn On Jalan Antasari, South Jakarta, Ended In A Commotion

JAKARTA - The closure of U-Turn (turnback) on Pangeran Antasari Street, South Jakarta, led to chaos. This happened because the illegal traffic controller pak ogah did not accept the closure. Head of Traffic Polres Metro South Jakarta, Kompol Bayu Marfiando confirmed the existence of the incident. Yes, that's true, I am checking again, said Bayu when confirmed, Thursday, March 30. Bayu suspected that the rioting occurred allegedly a form of disapproval of a number of pak ogah due to the closure of the backturn. Mr. ogah there was no socialization from the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service. From the Dishub has closed the road, because there is less socialization to residents, so residents object and the results of coordination with residents, the concrete limiting will be lifted again,'' he said. For information, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency is known to have closed 14 U-Turn points or back-turns on several roads. The closure of U-Turn is carried out in order to reduce the congested knots in DKI Jakarta. "and also the SSA one-way system will be enforced on seven roads," said Syafrin Liputo. He further said, his party will continue to carry out an evaluation related to it. As for his purposes, he targets to close the 27 points that have been planned in June this year. He said that the existence of a turning point had also affected the traffic conditions. The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency had previously conducted a study before the policy was taken to close the U-turn policy. "It is high enough to influence the movement. Because so the person concerned will rotate, it will usually take one and half the maneuver if he uses it on the right-handed automatically, "he said.