Agreeing To Ban Iftar Together, Ganjar Pranowo Emphasizes Vigilance

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo agreed with the ban on breaking the fast together for officials and the public. Ganjar said all parties must remain vigilant during the pandemic transition to endemic.

"We have to translate it as a situation. One, because we are heading for an endemic, we are careful," said Ganjar when met after riding to his official residence, Thursday, March 23.

The former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives said that the previous experience of organizing the iftar together was usually followed by stories of crowds that have the potential to spread the increasing number of COVID-19 cases. I think, breaking with him must be interpreted in simplicity only," he said.

The governor of Central Java for two periods gave an example of his habit of breaking the fast only with cyclists and staff in the office environment.

"Umpama saya bersama kawan-kawan di sekitar Puri Gedeh, saya bersama kawan-kawan oleka lagi bekerja dengan Pemprov terus kemudian masuk magrib dan kami buka bersama sempuas saja," kata Ganjar Pranowo.

Ganjar agrees with the appeal so that there is no holding of breaking the fast together. Moreover, currently there are also many issues of showing off wealth and luxury in the community.

"I think in today's context, I agree to avoid it first. Yesterday, in a few days there were stories that seemed like showing off. Hopefully, if you hold an opening, open a simple one, with your family there is no element of showing off, I agree," he said.

The prohibition is contained in Cabinet Secretary Letter Number 38/Seskab/DKK/03/2023 regarding directions related to the implementation of breaking the fast together which was confirmed by Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung on Wednesday (22/3/2023).

In a letter sheet on Thursday (23/3/2023), it is written that the reason the President prohibits joint open activities for officials and ASN is because currently the handling of Covid-19 is still in a transition period from a pandemic to an endemic. Therefore, caution is still needed during this transition period.

"That is an appeal letter from the cabinet secretary to the ministers, TNI/Polri leaders, and institutional leaders addressed so that we remain vigilant and careful," explained Ganjar Pranowo.