New! Admin Now Can Save People Who Will Enter WhatsApp Group

JAKARTA - Meta is rolling out some updates to its messaging app, WhatsApp, which will make groups easier to manage and easier to navigate for everyone.

Even though last year, WhatsApp launched a Community feature created to help people get maximum results from their group on WhatsApp. Now, the company is going even further.

New Control For Admin

With more and more people joining the community, WhatsApp gives group admins more control over the privacy of their groups, by giving admin the ability to decide who can join the group.

The way it works is quite simple, based on the images Meta shared in its announcement, when someone wants to join the group, they will wait for confirmation from the group admin.

The group's admin will see the names of people who want to enter the group in the Pending Participants tab. There, the admin will see two icons, namely the cross (X) and check. If you confirm people to join, you can select the check icon, and vice versa.

See The Same Group Easily

In addition, WhatsApp also launched an ability that will make it easier for users to know where you and someone are in the same group.

How it works, if you write down the contact name of the person you want to search for, then, WhatsApp will display a group together between you and that person on a new tab called "Grops in common" or "Group Together." From there, you will find out what groups you follow with these people.

Please note that both features will start rolling out globally in the coming weeks. So, you still have to wait a little longer until the feature arrives.