These Are Tips For Fasting Smoothly And Still Fit

JAKARTA - During the month of Ramadan, every Muslim who has entered the age of late childhood is required to undergo fasting or shaum. The goal is not only to endure thirst and hunger, but also to control lust.

Even though it is a mandatory worship, it is not uncommon for some people to feel weak when fasting. That's why, try applying tips for living a healthy fast so that it runs smoothly and the body remains fit below.

1. Don't miss eating Sahur

Strong tips on fasting until the time of breaking the fast arrive, the first is to start with eating suhoor. After all, eating suhoor should not be missed because it is a way to get energy sources as well as nutrition for the body.

If you do fasting without sahur, your body becomes easily weak and feels powerless, especially if you have a busy schedule. That's why, try to keep eating suhoor so that daily nutrients are still fulfilled. According to the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, ending the meal of sahur is even better because it can increase enthusiasm and help strengthen the body.

2. Consumption of sufficient White Water

Tips for fasting so that it is smooth and not easily thirsty, namely consuming enough water. The benefits of drinking water when suhoor and breaking the fast are not only enough to reduce dehydration, but also help increase focus and improve digestion.

In a day, drinking water is recommended at least 8 glasses or about 2-3 liters per day. Rarely drinking water causes easy constipation, easily sleepy, often feeling lazy, migraines, and other disorders to the body.

During sahur time, also avoid drinking caffeinated and excessive sugary drinks. Because the drink will actually trigger dehydration which makes it easy to thirst and the stomach feels reluctant.

3. Eat as much as possible when Sahur and Unopen

The movement of breaking the fast and ending the meal is recommended sunnah. Even so, it is better not to eat it excessively. Especially when the time for breaking the fast, being too full can trigger drowsiness which also creates a sense of laziness to undergo further worship, namely Maghrib and tarawih prayers.

Therefore, eat and drink enough. For example, 3 dates and a little snack, then proceed by eating heavy dishes according to their natural portion. Don't forget the water to replace body fluids after almost a day of fasting.

As for eating suhoor, it is recommended to eat a balanced nutritious dish to make it strong fasting all day. No need to overdo taking side dishes and rice so that the stomach does not swell due to fatigue.

Some people want to feel that eating a lot when suhoor can help hold back hunger all day, even though it's not good for health. In addition to causing digestive problems, it can also trigger weight gain.

4. Set Sleep Pattern Well

During Ramadan, Muslims who fast are advised to wake up early for dawn. Therefore, try to rearrange the night sleep pattern so that it is not late when waking the sahur. Especially for adults, adjusting the sleep pattern is not easy, especially if you are busy working.

Regulating a good sleep pattern is very helpful in improving sleep quality. The impact is also very good for the body, which can make the body feel fresher and not easily sleepy when doing daily activities.

How to set a good sleep pattern during the fasting month can start without having dinner late, so you should eat it before 9 pm. After tarawih prayer if forced to do other activities, try to leave the time to sleep a maximum of 4 hours before dawn.

Not infrequently during the day in the fasting month, the eyes are very easily sleepy and the mind is difficult to focus on, so it feels like you really want to be lazy. Actually, there's nothing wrong with taking time to take a nap during rest hours. But it's better not to take too long, a maximum of 1 hour so you don't get weak easily after waking up.

5. Do Regular Sports

Who says that during the fasting month there is no need to exercise because it can make the body even more powerless? Instead, the healthy fasting tips are not spending time exercising!

Regular exercise even if you are fasting, can keep the body fit, feel more energetic, and have more controllable weight. Just do light exercise for 30 minutes to 1 hour in the afternoon before the time for breaking the fast.

Examples of light exercise that can be done in the afternoon include relaxing bicycles, leisurely walks, jogging, foot training in treadmills, and so on. Avoid exercising during the day so as not to get dehydrated.

6. Don't be lazy

Like many people say, fasting is not the time to be lazy, it still has to be productive! Lazied when fasting in addition to making breaking the fast feels longer, also the body becomes easily weak.

Laziness usually arises due to lack of sleep, getting up late, eating too much, or maybe because of a lot of thoughts. So it doesn't feel like you want to do anything all day, when it's not good for the body or mind.

How not to be lazy when fasting, try to fix the sleep pattern, always take the time to eat sahur, and do something that can divert thoughts to dispel laziness.

In addition, try to gather intentions and enthusiasm to live a day, then do certain tasks based on a priority scale. Starting the day with a positive spirit and mind is very effective in reducing laziness during fasting.

7. Draw Opening With Nutritious Foods

Tips for fasting so as not to weakness are to pay attention to the composition of sahur dishes and breaking the fast. Balance nutrition in each dish, so make sure there is sufficient intake of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and other nutrients.

Nutrient foods do not need to be luxurious or troublesome, because simple dishes can also be nutritious. Examples are clear vegetables, chicken soup, tumisan, egg fried rice, processed chicken, as well as processed vegetables and other protein.

Increase protein intake, because muscles of the body usually shrink due to lack of calories during fasting. Consumption of protein during fasting can prevent muscle shrinkage.

8. Try to avoid unhealthy foods

Tips for undergoing healthy fasting and staying fit, try to reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods as much as possible. Examples include fried foods, oily, instant foods, fast foods, and those that contain high sugar.

Eating too often is not healthy, not only disturbing health, but also decreasing brain performance, easily sleepy, difficult to focus, difficult to hold back hunger, easy to feel hungry, even triggering obesity. Thus, it is highly recommended to consume nutritious food in order to meet the adequate nutrition of the body during fasting.

Especially when suhoor, try not to consume high food or sugary drinks. Because high sugar causes it to be difficult to focus and easy to feel thirsty.

9. Consumption of Supplement

If necessary, consider taking supplements to support endurance, such as packaged vitamins, adding blood, or fish oil. Even so, it is not recommended to consume it excessively so as not to interfere with health, especially the kidneys. Especially if you have a history of certain diseases, you should consult a doctor first regarding the consumption of supplements.

As a substitute for the safest supplements, you can also consume fruits to meet your vitamin needs. Almost all fruits are good for health, including oranges, apples, dragon fruit, avocado, melons, and so on.

10. Think Positively And Do Fun Activities

After all, the way to fast so that it is smooth and the body remains fit is to have a productive and fun day. It doesn't have to be done by working or studying, try to do other positive activities while filling in free time, such as selling takjil, preparing open dishes, distributing free takjil to the surrounding community, reciting, and other fun activities.

Especially for students and workers who are easily bored during holidays, take advantage of your free time productively by filling with fun things. Prioritize positive thoughts so that you are enthusiastic about going through the day while waiting for your fast.

Those are tips for fasting so that it runs smoothly and remains fit. The point is, keep eating nutritious food when breaking the fast and suhoor so that the body remains healthy. Avoid being lazy, you should fill it with positive and productive activities so that you don't get bored easily.