Maintain Economic Growth, Trade Minister Zulhas Develops Export Market In South Asia Region

JAKARTA - Keep Indonesia's economic growth, the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) is developing export markets in a number of South Asian countries.

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said Indonesia's economy in 2022 will experience a growth of 5.31 percent and this year is expected to slow down.

"But we will continue and will make efforts by developing export markets in a number of countries," Zulhas said as he is familiarly called, quoting Antara.

So far, said Zulkifli Hasan, Indonesia's export market is an ASEAN, European and American region.

"I will try hard to develop a new export market so that our economy continues to grow," he said.

He said that export development in the South Asian region includes Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India.

"We will develop new export markets in Bangladesh, Pakistan and India," said Zulkifli Hasan.

Apart from the South Asian region, the development of new exports will also target Middle East and Africa.

"So, we are developing new markets in South Asia, the Middle East and Africa which were previously controlled by China, Vietnam and Thailand. This means that if our economy grows, West Sulawesi will also grow," explained Zulkifli Hasan.

Meanwhile, when asked about the planned import of 500,000 tons of rice, Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan stated that currently there is a big harvest so that Indonesia will not import rice.

"Now we are harvesting, so we will not import rice," said Zulkifli Hasan.

However, he added, if after the main harvest but Bulog's stock is lacking, it is possible that this step will be carried out.

"So if Bulog's stock is lacking after the main harvest, it will be explored to approach countries that have a lot of rice. But if it is now a big harvest, there will be no rice imports," said Zulkifli Hasan.