BRI Distributes Dividends Of IDR 43.94 Trillion, Take A Peek At The Payment Schedule!

JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. held the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) recently. It is known, BRI is ready to distribute dividends for the results of its impressive financial performance in 2022.

The BRI AGMS consists of eight agendas, one of which is deciding a dividend payout ratio of 85 percent of the consolidated net profit in 2022, which is distributed to owners of the parent entity with a value of IDR 43.94 trillion or IDR 288.2, per share.

The cash dividends distributed included the amount of interim dividends that the company had distributed to shareholders on January 27 amounting to Rp8.60 trillion, so that the remaining amount of cash dividends to be paid was at least Rp34.89 trillion or each share would receive a cash dividend of Rp231.2,-.

Meanwhile, the remaining 15 percent of the 2022 profit or IDR 7.67 trillion is used as retained earnings. Of the total dividends distributed by the company, dividends that are included in the state's general treasury with a share ownership of at least 53.19 percent reached around Rp. 23.15 trillion.

Throughout January to December 2022, BRI Group managed to record a net profit of IDR 51.4 trillion or grew 67.15 percent year on year (yoy) with total double-digit growth assets of 11.18 percent yoy to IDR 1,865.64 trillion.

For investors with issuers codenamed BBRI, to get BRI dividends, investors can listen and record the dividend distribution schedule below:

1. Cum Dividend Date in Regular & Negotiated Market: March 21, 2023

2. Ex Dividend Date in Regular & Negotiated Market: March 24, 2023

3. Cum Dividend Date in Cash Market: 27 March 2023

4. Ex Dividend Date in Cash Market: March 28, 2023

5. Recording Date: 27 March 2023

6. Payment Date: 12 April 2023

7. Date of submission of SKD/DGT record evidence: March 30, 2023

8. Each share will get a cash dividend of IDR 231.22.

Regarding this, BRI President Director Sunarso said, the company's top management has prepared and projected that in the next three to four years, BRI still has the potential to pay high dividends.

Because, at this time, the company's Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) ratio in 2022 is at a very adequate level or reaches 25.1 percent. This ratio is still very sufficient to cover the need for business growth and risk mitigation.

"With CAR 25.1 percent in one year growth, consumption of CAR is needed at approximately 2 percent, so it feels like in the next three to four years BRI is eligible to distribute high dividends," he said in a written statement, Saturday, March 18.