Why Is It Recommended To Open With Sweet? According To The Teachings Of The Apostle And For The Sake Of Health

YOGYAKARTA - 'Open to the sweet', this sentence is often pronounced during Ramadan fasting. Many are wondering why it is recommended to break up with the sweet. Apart from being a recommendation in Islam, the invitation or appeal turns out to have reasons in terms of health.

After fasting, our bodies need intake to restore energy. Usually when breaking the fast we tend to want to eat in large quantities to repay the hunger that is being held from morning to evening. But we should not eat carelessly or excessively.

One of the recommendations for breaking the fast is eating sweet foods. So why is it recommended to break the fast with sweet ones?

In the month of Ramadan, there are usually many sellers who peddle sweet foods. There are various culinary delights with a sweet taste that we can choose from bananas, bread, fruit ice, and so on. In addition, a person who is fasting is recommended to eat sweet foods.

Advice on breaking the fast with sweet foods is not without reason. Here are a number of reasons why it is recommended to break the fast with sweet ones:

One of the reasons why we are recommended to break the sweet one is related to the health of the body. After fasting, our bodies will feel weak due to lack of energy.

To restore or fill the body's energy, one way is by eating sweet foods. Foods or sweet drinks contain sugar that is processed by the body into energy. Sugar produces insulin that can provide energy to the body so that it is good for health for fasting people.

Breaking the fast with sweet is a recommendation from the Prophet Muhammad SAW. So apart from the medical side, Islamic teachings are also recommended to eat sweet foods when breaking the fast. One example of the Prophet is by eating dates.

Although we are advised to eat sweet foods to break the fast, there are several things that need to be considered.

Although sweet foods are one of the intakes to restore and increase energy after fasting, eating sweet foods should not be done excessively. It is better to limit eating food or sweet drinks, just enough.

Eating excessive sugary foods is actually dangerous for the body because it can cause disease problems. Excessive sugar intake can cause you to get diabetes. Low nutritional sweet foods will actually make blood sugar rise. In addition, your blood sugar can also drop drastically so that it makes you feel limp and sleepy after breaking the fast.

In addition, sugary foods that are consumed excessively can also cause weight gain. Sweet foods can make you want to consume more or be addicted. If sugar is not processed into energy in the body, it can actually be stored in the form of fat. This condition is certainly very avoided by those of you who are undergoing a diet program to lose weight.

There are various kinds of sweet foods sold during the fasting month. Of the various sweet foods we can choose, many contain artificial sweeteners. Avoid eating foods with artificial sweeteners.

Foods made with artificial sweeteners can actually cause health problems. So you should eat natural sweet foods such as fruits and honey for the sake of health.

Such is the review of why it is recommended to break the fast with sweet ones. Sweet foods are suitable for breaking the fast because they have a sugar content that can provide energy to the body after fasting. However, do not overeat sweet foods and should be balanced with other nutritional intakes.

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