Ministry Of Industry Says Imports Of Used Clothes Can Damage Domestic Industry Utilization

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has responded to the proliferation of imports of used clothes or the increasing trend of Thrifting, to date.

The Director General of Small, Medium, and Multifarious Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry, Reni Yanita, said that this activity greatly disturbed the domestic industry, especially for small and medium industries (IKM) in the country.

"If the impact is, it must be that the used import (wear) will disturb the utility from the industry," Reni told reporters after the closing of the P3DN Business Matching event at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, March 17.

According to Reni, the small capacity of IKM also adds to the slump in the domestic industry as a result of these imported activities.

"Especially for IKM, you know that the IKM model is limited, the margin is also small," he said.

As a result of the import of used clothing activities, Reni continued, domestic industry players were unable to compete in the market. This is because the price of used imported clothing offered is much cheaper.

"Well, when they can't sell at a price that's more competitive because (the price of clothes) is different, you know, it's not apple to apple, actually the comparison," he concluded.

As for the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 40 of 2022, used clothes and other used goods are included in goods prohibited from importing with tariff posts or HS 6309.00.00 and listed in section IV of used bags, used sacks, and used clothes.