2,500 PKK Cadres In Mataram Will Get Intensive, City Government Budgets IDR 1.2 Billion

MATARAM - The Mataram City Government in West Nusa Tenggara Province in 2023 allocated IDR 1.2 billion to provide additional incentives to 2,500 cadres of the Family Empowerment and Welfare Mobilization Team (PKK).

The Mayor of Mataram H Mohan Roliskana delivered the statement at the commemoration of the 2023 PKK Movement Unity Day at the Mataram City Level which was attended by administrators and around 2,500 PKK cadres in Mataram City at Sangkareang Mataram Field.

He said that the provision of incentives was a form of city government appreciation to PKK cadres who had helped implement government programs.

"Hopefully the incentives we provide can be a motivation and enthusiasm for cadres to continue to carry out their duties and dedication seriously and sincerely so that the goal of producing quality human resources can be achieved together," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 17.

"The PKK Mobilization Team is the spearhead of us, as the front line of the government in helping prepare classy and competitive human resources," he added.

Head of the Mataram City PKK Mobilization Team Hj. Kinnastri Mohan Roliskana while reading the remarks of the General Chairperson of the Central PKK Mobilization Team conveyed the importance of joint movement in the implementation of services for families.

"It must have sustainable value, there must be enthusiasm, new enthusiasm, and new energy to move together in providing services for families in order to create quality human resources," he said.

As a government partner, he said, the PKK Mobilization Team must be able to be a pioneer in driving the development of a prosperous family.

The Mataram City PKK Mobilization Team held various activities to commemorate the PKK Movement Unity Day, including the Special Group competition for Family Revenue Improvement Efforts, all-fish cooking competitions, child marriage prevention campaigns, and the cervical cancer early detection campaign.

In addition, the PKK Mobilization Team provides free health services for cadres and the general public, cervical cancer detection services through IVA tests, breast cancer examinations, and bazaars for healthy foods and cheap basic necessities.