Pertamina's Managing Director Reports Plumpang Depo Fire Victims To 25 People

JAKARTA - President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati reported that the death toll from the Plumpang Depo fire had increased to 25 people. This number is the latest data on March 16 at 07.00 WIB.

"We are grieving. There are 25 people who died, those who have been treated have finally not been helped," Nicke said in a Hearing Meeting with Commission VII DPR RI, Thursday, March 16.

Meanwhile, there are 21 victims who are still undergoing hospitalization.

Nicke also reported that until now there were no more refugees at the posts provided by Pertamina. Nicke explained that the refugees had moved to their respective rented houses.

"Earlier we offered the closest flats but the people chose to stay in the rented house and we transferred funds to the community, both 3 months of rent and the need to buy equipment," explained Nicke.

The number of residents affected by the fire was 220 families with details of 154 families from RW01 and 66KK from RW09.

He further vented that Pertamina had disbursed funds amounting to Rp1.7 billion to be given in the form of assistance to the families of the victims of the fire incident.

Based on data submitted by Nicke, the total assistance that has been distributed to affected victims has reached Rp1,721,196,351.

The source of this aid fund is divided into two. The amount of Rp1.26 billion comes from Pertamina Group. Meanwhile, the remaining Rp451 million from other SOEs.

"So this is what we give to the residents. This is what we have given," he said.