Balada Cerita Ramadhan, Drama Audio Pertama Bagi Ayu Dyah Pasha

JAKARTA - The ausio drama The Stories Season 2: Ballad The story of Ramadhan will continue the story of The Stories Season 1 which previously aired in November 2022. Written by Rizki Rahmadania Putri, The Stories tells about the journey of the friendship of the PPK gang (Religious Searchers) played by Prambors broadcasters, Bella Arswendita as Ayas, Beryl Rasandavi as Ares, Ralvi Nasution as Ale, and Hanny Dini as Amira.

The Stories Season 2: The Story of Ramadhan also presented a number of well-known artists such as Dwi Sasono, Umay Shahab, Della Dartian, Nino Kayam, Dustin Tiffani, Twinda Rarasati, and Ayu Dyah Pasha.

The Stories Season 2: Ramadan Stories can be enjoyed by listeners before breaking the fast with a short duration at the four radio stations. Listeners can also enjoy the full version through the Prambors application and the Delta FM radio website, Bahana FM, and Female Radio.

Ayu Dyah Pasha revealed that The Stories Season 2: Balada Cerita Ramadhan marked her first audio drama series project and became a new challenge for her.

"This is interesting, if I may tell you about the experience because this is the first time I have been involved in the audio series," Ayu said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 16.

"This is a new challenge actually. A new challenge because the medium is different (compared by film acting) and also the expression is different because it's just sound," he added.

According to Ayu, she received an offer from Prambors to appear at The Stories Season 2: Balada Cerita Ramadhan through her son as a liaison, namely Narendra Pawaka or familiarly called Eda who is also a broadcaster on the radio.

Ayu admitted that she immediately accepted the offer without thinking, including without thinking about the honorarium to be obtained. He did this considering that Prambors' name was beyond doubt, plus his son and son-in-law had a long career in Prambors.

"As parents, we always support what the children do and where they work, I support them, even in my second child," said Ayu.