The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Gets Evidence Of The Flow Of Corruption Money While Searching The House Of The Langkat Regent Inactively

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) searched the house of the inactive Langkat Regent, Terbit Rencana Perangin Angin. From this activity, investigators found a number of documents, including evidence of the flow of corruption money."The investigative team has finished conducting searches in several different locations in Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. There are five locations, including the house of the suspect TRP and the house of the party related to this case," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Wednesday, March 15.Not only that, investigators also searched the PDAM Office in Langkat Regency. Just like in other locations, the KPK also found several documents.Ali emphasized that the search will continue. The anti-corruption commission wants to resolve the alleged gratification that ensnared Terbit."We are committed to resolving this case. So that if there are parties who participate, they can be legally accounted for, the KPK will definitely develop it further," he said.The KPK has named Terbit as a suspect in receiving gratuities from a number of palm oil entrepreneurs.He was previously sentenced to nine years in prison by the Jakarta Corruption Court last October 19. This sentence was imposed after Terbit was proven to have accepted bribes related to project work in Langkat Regency.The judge also sentenced him to an additional five years in the form of revocation of political rights. He will not be able to hold public office after being released from prison.Apart from Terbit, the judge also sentenced the Village Head of Balai Kasih Iskandar to Warn the Wind for seven years and six months in prison. Both are believed to have jointly carried out corrupt practices.The thing that burdens Terbit and Iskandar is that they are against the government's efforts to eradicate corruption, collusion and nepotism. In addition, the panel of judges considered that they were complicated in the trial.