Microsoft Disbands Its AI Ethics Team And Society Innovation To Invest In OpenAI

JAKARTA - As part of the recent layoffs of 10,000 employees, Microsoft reportedly stopped all ethics teams and the public created to guide the company's Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovations.

The team's removal is claimed to be one of Microsoft's steps in investing billions of dollars in its partnership with OpenAI, the startup behind AI ChatGPT, and to fix Bing which will be powered by a large new generation language model that is claimed to be stronger than ChatGPT.

It was first announced by the Platformer that Microsoft still maintains the Office of Responsible Al, which is tasked with making rules and principles to regulate the Al-companies initiative.

However, Microsoft employees also say that the ethics team and society are responsible for ensuring the AI Microsoft principles responsible for the design of the products sent. The team works to identify the risks posed by Microsoft's integration of OpenAI technology across its entire product range.

Launching TechCrunch, the Microsoft ethics team and society only contained about seven people, after reorganizing last October. After that, a Platformer source also said that pressure from tech chief Kevin Scott and CEO Satya Nadella increased to get the latest OpenAI model, as well as the next iteration, into customers' hands as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, since it was peppered with AI technology from ChatGPT, Bing's search engine has now surpassed 100 million daily active users, which makes Google need to be more vigilant.

The surge in users, according to Microsoft, shows demand for a new type of web experience that combines conventional searches with chat interfaces.