Not Fulfilling The Requirements Is The Reason LPSK Rejects Application For Protection Of Mario Dandy's Lover, AG

JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) rejected the application for protection submitted by AG as the child perpetrator in the case of mistreatment of David Ozora. The reason is because it does not meet the protection requirements."It does not meet the protection requirements stipulated in Article 28 (1) letter a and letter d," said LPSK Chairman Hasto Atmojo Suroyo in his statement, Tuesday, March 14.Meanwhile, Article 28 (1) letter a contains the importance of the testimony of witnesses and/or victims. As for letter d regarding the track record of criminal acts committed by witnesses and/or victims.In addition, another reason behind the decision to reject the request was because AG was not included in the LPSK protection subjects as regulated in Article 5 (3) of Law Number 31 of 2014."The legal status of the applicant as a child who is in conflict with the law, is not included in the subjects of LPSK protection," he said.Then, LPSK will also recommend the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) with a copy of KPAI to assist AG and ensure the fulfillment of its rights.Especially during the criminal justice process as a child who is in conflict with the law as stipulated in the provisions of Article 3 of Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System and Article 64 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.On the other hand, LPSK decided to accept a request for protection for two witnesses, R and N, in the case of David Ozora's persecution by Mario Dandy Satrio."The protection given to R is in the form of fulfilling procedural rights. As for applicant N, the type of protection that is decided is the fulfillment of procedural rights and psychological rehabilitation," said Hasto.The perpetrator AG was originally supposed to submit an application to LPSK on February 28. The application was mentioned when his status was still a witness.However, in the reconstruction of the persecution case against David Ozora, several new facts emerged, especially the role of AG.The perpetrator of the child turned out to be participating in recording Mario Dandy Satryo's brutal actions when beating David. In fact, AG did not show an attitude of empathy or sympathy.Because, he did not intervene in this act of persecution. AG actually relaxed smoking when David was asked to repent with his head on the asphalt and hands on the back.