Regarding The Prohibition Of Foreign Tourists From Seizing Motorcycles In Bali, Menparekraf Sandiaga: It Is Hoped That There Will Be Comprehensive Studies

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno opened his voice regarding the policy of prohibiting motorbike rental for foreign tourists in Bali, which has been determined by the Governor of Bali I Wayan Koster, recently.

According to Sandiaga, the policy should not interfere with the economic activities of local residents. This is because some of the income from the Balinese people comes from the motorbike rental service.

"We have not heard directly from the Bali Provincial Government, but once again we hope that there will be a comprehensive study to curb rental providers, because this is also a business land that opens up many jobs. Of course, we must ensure the continuity of the local community's economy," Sandiaga said at The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno. monitored online, Monday, March 13.

Sandi added that the policy must later ensure the safety of tourists visiting Bali.

The reason is, Bali is still a favorite visit for foreign tourists.

"Every policy must ensure of course the safety of vehicle drivers and if they do not have the ability, it certainly needs to be dealt with firmly. If there is a violation in terms of traffic regulations, of course we must also take firm action," he said.

On the same occasion, the Head of the Bali Tourism Office, Tjokorda Bagus Pemayun, said that his party would coordinate the policy with the police in the near future.

"Tomorrow we will (coordinate) with the Bali Police Chief regarding several things regarding governance, because this year the governor is really concerned about how to organize quality and dignified Bali tourism," he concluded.

Previously reported, Bali Governor I Wayan Koster forbade foreign tourists to rent/rental motorbikes while traveling on the Island of the Gods.

Koster explained that the provincial government already has a number of regulations governing foreign nationals through the Bali Governor's regulation regarding tourism governance in this province, including the prohibition for foreign nationals to use motorized vehicles.

"So, the tourists must travel by car from the travel agent. It is no longer allowed to use vehicles that are not from travel agents. Borrowing or renting is no longer allowed," he said, Sunday, March 12.

Based on the results of the Bali Police's action, it was found that many tourists, especially foreign tourists, violated traffic rules, ranging from not wearing clothes while driving, not wearing helmets, not having a license to drive.

Koster said the change in rules only applies this year or after the COVID-19 pandemic, to eradicate tourism systems that are not only oriented to the number of tourist visits every year, but to maintain cultured tourism.

He hopes that with the enactment of a new policy this year, Bali tourism will be of higher quality with law enforcement and regulations, especially for foreign tourists.

This policy, continued Koster, could only be executed in 2023, considering that in the previous year Bali tourism was quiet because there were no tourist visits.

"Why now? Because we are cleaning up right now. During the pandemic, it doesn't apply because there are no tourists. Now, it's starting to be arranged," he added.