Longsor Terjang Way Kanan Lampung, 2 Residents Died, 2 Others Missing

As many as two people died and three others were lost due to landslides in Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province, on Friday, March 10.

Acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said the victim died as a result of being buried by landslides when heavy rains flushed unstable soil in Sumber Sari Village, Banjit District, Way Kanan Regency.

"The process of searching for victims is quite time-consuming because access to the location is quite difficult. However, the joint team continues to do their best to carry out search operations, one of which is by using water sprays to dig through landslide materials," said Abdul, confiscated by Antara.

According to a report by the Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of the Way Kanan Riantori Regency BPBD, the search operation was carried out with heavy equipment support.

Meanwhile, an emergency response post has been established in Banjit District to accelerate the handling of the impact of landslides. Assistance for meeting basic needs has also been distributed to residents affected by landslides.

The joint team, which includes officers from the Search and Rescue Office, TNI, Polri, Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), local governments, and volunteers trying to find landslide victims in affected locations.