Denies Sasar Prabowo's Vocational Bag During Political Safari, Anies Spokesperson: Just Gathering

Spokesperson for Anies Baswedan, Hendri Satrio, denied that the planned political safari for the prospective presidential candidate (readpres) of the Change Coalition would target areas that became Prabowo Subianto's voice bags during the 2019 presidential election.

According to him, there are no special considerations in determining the areas that Anies will visit to stay in touch with the local community. Moreover, when the 2024 presidential election campaign has not yet started.

"Oh, there's nothing to target the pockets of the votes, it's not a campaign yet, this is just a gathering, so there's no consideration of the ballot bags," said Hendri Satrio to VOI, Monday, March 13.

"The voice bag will be considered when the campaign begins," he continued.

Even if the Democratic Party had acknowledged that the determination of the area visited by Anies was part of the winning strategy, Hendri did not want to use the term.

The KedaiKOPI founder emphasized that until now his party has not mapped the areas that will be targeted for winning Anies.

"That's what the Democrats say, just use it. But if it's not the basis of voice bags or other names, this is just a gathering, it hasn't been mapped into the ballot bags because the campaign hasn't started yet," said the man who is familiarly called Hensat.