Jambi Provincial Government Prepares Alternative Roads To Avoid Coal Transportation Congestion

JAMBI - The Jambi Provincial Government (Pemprov) is preparing an alternative road from the Karmeo intersection to the Kilangan, Batang Hari Regency, to anticipate traffic jams due to the national road being passed by coal transportation."We, from the Jambi Provincial Transportation Agency, state our readiness if alternative roads from the Karmeo Intersection-Tang Hari Regency are opened for private vehicles to pass, so they are not trapped by the congestion that often occurs on national roads," said Secretary of the Jambi Province Transportation Service (Dishub), Atmajaya in Jambi, Antara, Monday, March 13.The alternative road, which was built through the TNI Manunggal Building Village Program (TMMD), is ready to be opened. They are still waiting for leadership instructions regarding the schedule for the opening of the road.Atmajaya explained that supporting facilities on these alternative roads such as signs were already available and his party coordinated with the Jambi Police Ditlantas to use the Simpang Bara application.The Jambi Transportation Agency has also prepared and will activate parking pockets for coal transportation, including supervision of the mouth of the mine and joint supervision of operating hours.Meanwhile, a few days ago Jambi Governor Al Haris confirmed that he would reopen coal mining activities when the repair of national roads on the Batang Hari Regency - Sarolangun road, Jambi was completed.Based on reports in the field, road repairs have not been completed because it takes 10 days considering that there are three points whose roads are badly damaged or prone to accidents. The governor requested that the coal truck transport party be patient and follow the orders issued not to be active until the specified time."I'm just asking to wait, instead of the road being jammed again, it's better if we have 10 days to wait until the road repairs are completed," he said.