Hundreds Of Brimob Of Central Java Police Deployed To A Number Of Locations Affected By The Eruption Of Mount Merapi

SEMARANG The Central Java Police deployed hundreds of Brimob personnel to a number of locations affected by the eruption of Mount Merapi. Battalion A and C Pioneer of the Central Java Police Satbrimob, along with the SAR team, field kitchens and SAR cars have been prepared in the context of humanity.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy, said that the troop deployment was deliberately held in anticipation of the Mount Merapi disaster.

Brimob personnel will be deployed to several locations, including Company 1/C Pioneer to the Kemalang Klaten Police, Company 3/C Pioneer to the Selo Boyolali Police, Company 4/C to the Magelang City Police. Iqbal said via text message, Sunday 12 March.

The personnel will set up tents in Balerante Village, Klaten, in Selo Boyolali and in Dukuh Magelang District. Apart from Brimob, personnel from the Directorate of Samapta were also deployed. They have held an assembly for troop deployments and infrastructure. This team will be moved at any time to locations affected by the eruption.

Selain itu, Polres jajaran di wilayah terdampak juga telah melakukan berbagai aksi. Seperti di Polsek Srumbung, Polsek Dukun, Polsek Ngablak, Polsek Sawangan Polresta Magelang mengimbau di lokasi penyimbang agar penduduk sekitar segera turun dan jauh dari Merapi. Masker juga dibagikan ke pendudukan serta membantu mempus terbuka mugas gurcangan.

The personnel also appealed to the community at a radius of 3 km from the peak of Merapi to vacate their activities. In addition, at a radius of 5 km, the river channel area that originates in Merapi, namely the Bebeng River and the Krasak River, was vacated to anticipate hot clouds and cold lava avalanches. " explained Iqbal.

The same thing was also done by the Magelang City Police. Meanwhile, the Boyolali Police also collected data on the losses of personnel and material at the location of the natural disaster. Temporary shelters have been prepared. The police are working with the TNI, BPBD, Basarnas or other elements for humanitarian missions.