Reconstruction Of Persecution David Ozora Begins, Rubbicon B 120 Fake DEN Mario Dandy Shown

JAKARTA - The police have started the reconstruction of the David Ozora abuse case. Rubbicon Mario Dandy Satryo is displayed.According to VOI monitoring, the suspects Mario Danddy and Shane Lukas arrived at the scene, precisely at Green Permata Housing, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, at around 13.16 WIB. They were closely guarded by the police.Then, both of them were immediately taken to the scene, which is about 500 meters from the gate of the housing.Not long after, investigators prepared the reconstruction process, one of which took out the Rubbicon B 120 DEN car that Mario used before the persecution took place.The black Rubbicon car was also shown to be given a police line as a sign that the luxury vehicle had been confiscated.The reconstruction of the persecution case against David Ozora is planned to be held around 14.00 WIB.Later, all the suspects, namely Mario Dandy and Shane Lukas as well as the perpetrators of the child, AG, will be presented in person.They will perform 23 scenes. It is possible from the beginning of planning to the act of persecution by Mario Dandy.Director of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi said the purpose of the reconstruction was to find agreement between the testimony of witnesses and perpetrators and the evidence that had been collected."We can see from the combination of several pieces of evidence of witness testimony from the suspect's statement, including the elements of the article that we have submitted," said Hengki.For information, in this case, Mario Dandy, Shane Lukas, and AG were charged with different articles.Mario Dandy is suspected of being under Article 355 of the Criminal Code paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 354 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, which is more subsidiary to Article 353 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, which is more subsidiary to Article 352 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code. Then, Article 76c junto Article 80 of the Child Protection Law.Meanwhile, AG is charged with Article 76 c in conjunction with Article 80 of the Child Protection Law and or 355 paragraph 1 Jo 56 subsidiary 353 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code subsidiary 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code.