Knowing The Causes Of Dry Eyes And How To Overcome It Naturally

YOGYAKARTA The most common cause of dry eyes is when the eyes produce too little tears. Or it could be because the tears evaporate too quickly.

Dry eyes can be processed by one or both eyes. Sometimes, lifestyle changes also affect. Well, if the condition of the dry eye gets worse, medical treatment or surgery is needed.

Dry eyes that are light, will feel uncomfortable, blurred vision, and increased sensitivity to light. Symptoms that appear to be recognized when the eyes turn red, feel sore or painful, there are rips, pungent sensations in the eyes, noticeably severe, eyes sensitive to smoke or angons, sensitive to light, blurred vision, difficult to open eyes, uncomfortable when wearing contact lenses, andRGes attached to each other when waking up.

Healthy eyes are always protected by a layer of tears. This layer is in the form of a fluid membrane that allows clear vision and prevents dry eyes. Launching Medical News Today, Friday, March 10, the tear glands are responsible for the production of tears. If the tear gland does not produce enough tears, it will feel dry.

Tears consist of oil, water, and mucus. The top layer of the tear mixture consists of oil stemming from the meibom gland on the edge of the eyelids. Oil helps smooth the surface of the tears and slows down the rate of evaporation of tears. If the number is not balanced, it can cause the tears to evaporate too quickly. Certain conditions can affect the meibom glands. Such as rosacea when causing the skin to experience inflammation and blexharitis or inflammatory eyelids.

In the middle layer, it consists of the thickest mixture of tears. Mixed in the form of water and salt from the tear glands known as lakrimonial. This salt water helps clean up particles and irritation. If the middle layer is too thin, it can also cause the eyes to feel dry.

It is important to know that the production of tears will decrease at the age of 50. When production decreases, the eyes become dry and easily circumvented or inflamed. In addition, when the tears blink, the eyes will get wet again. Well, if you use a contact lens, it may affect the movement of flickering and can trigger dry eyes.

Certain medical conditions can also cause dry eyes. Including vitamin A deficiency, autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren Syndrome, lupus, sclroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and radiation therapy. In addition to the causes above, dry eyes can also be triggered by environmental factors. Like when the dry season, or when there is a lot of wind, it is in an air-conditioned room, living in a plateau, exposed to smoke, and the use of contact lenses. Too long the view of computer monitors on, reading, and driving can also cause dry eyes.

How to deal with dry eyes, it is necessary to first identify the causes and triggers. If it is caused by a mild problem, it can be treated with eye drops that are purchased without a prescription at the pharmacy. If according to the doctor, it is better to clean the eyelids to remove oil and bacteria. It can also be done by compressing the hot temples to relieve the pain. Plus, soft massage.

According to the National Eye Institute (NEI) you can eat foods rich in vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids to treat and prevent dry eyes naturally. Foods rich in vitamin A, including liver, healthy fat fish, eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, red vegetables, and green leafy vegetables. Meanwhile, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include fish, seafood, hemp seeds, soybeans, and canola oil.