Apart From Swelling Feet, Recognize 7 Signs Of Excess Salt In The Body

YOGYAKARTA Salty flavor foods, of course, salt is added as one of the spices. Salt contains 60 percent chloride and 40 percent sodium. Although salt is useful for loosening muscles. But if the amount consumed exceeds the safe limit, it can be risky. Well, the sign of excess salt in the body, recognized with certain symptoms as follows.

One of the swelling is because there are too many sodium in the body. Not only will the legs, face, hands, and ankles also grow as a sign of excess salt in the body. If you find these symptoms, try to evaluate a number of menus that you eat.

If you've been feeling very thirsty lately, as the most easily recognized sign because most of the salt in the body. Salt causes the body to draw water from the cells and this causes thirst. Drinking water may help neutralize salt in the body and the cells are fresh again.

When a cell holds back water, the weight may increase. If you gain weight quickly for a week or several days, it could be because you consume too much salt. If you weigh more than 2 kilograms a day or 4 kilograms a week, try evaluating your diet. Choose a natural diet without additional salt. Or limit the additional intake of salt as food spice.

More salt can cause more frequent bathrooms. This could be because salt can make you very thirsty, which might encourage you to drink more water. In the future, you may have to go to the bathroom more often than usual.

Stomach bloating or when your stomach feels swollen and strong is one of the short-term effects of too much salt. Because your body is holding back water, so extra liquid accumulates. Foods don't have to taste salty to make the sodium high. But sandwiches, pizzas, pizzas and canned soups can be a hidden source of salt.

There are many factors that make blood pressure rise. But one of them is because there are too many sodium. Changes in blood pressure also affect your kidneys. Even too much salt can make it difficult for the kidneys to dispose of fluids that you don't need as a result of rising blood pressure.

If the excess salt on the body, it will definitely have a certain effect. Including affecting sleep which was originally sound, so you often wake up because you are nervous. In fact, this affects the next day of you. The body will feel weak if most of the salt is salt.

Basically, the body needs a little sodium. In a day at least 1,500 milligrams. But on average, consuming salt in salt is 3,400 milligrams. This means, exceeding the safe consumption limit. Above is a short-term effect of excess salt in the body. If you feel the above sign, you need to immediately improve your diet because if it has long-term effects it will cause stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure.