The Ministry Of Finance Reviews The Role Of Consultants In The Rafael Alun Trisambodo Tax Auction Case

JAKARTA - Director General (Dirjen) of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Suryo Utomo emphasized that his party would review further the role and function of tax consultants.

This attitude was taken following the disclosure of a tax case that is currently hitting Rafael Trisambodo Square alias RAT.

Suryo revealed that there are strong indications that a number of companies affiliated with RAT are absent from obligations to the state.

The subordinate of the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani suspects that there is a role for tax consultants in the occurrence of this issue.

"We are testing the suitability of these companies, including related tax consultants that are being investigated," he told reporters in Jakarta on Wednesday, March 8.

Suryo added that several RAT companies in question had the initials GTA, SKP, PHA, CC, PDA, RR, and SCM.

"We will give the legal product," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance, Yustinus Prastowo, said that his party is an institution that guides tax consultants.

"In us there is a unit called the Financial Profession Development Center or P2PK (which oversees tax consultants)," he said.

Even so, the Ministry of Finance does not have the ability to impose certain sanctions on the alleged violations committed by the tax consultant.

"But P2PK is more about professional coaching, code of ethics, and capacity building and so on," he said.

Yustinus also encouraged tax consultant offices to optimize the code of ethics in the internal environment in order to support the creation of professional performance.

"Of course they can also conduct an ethics trial to impose sanctions (on individuals) if there is a crime so that law enforcement officers can enter the same area," he said.