More And More Intensive Activities, The Indonesian Navy Ensures The Safety Of Ships Carrying Materials For The Development Of IKN Nusantara

The Navy (AL) has ensured that the material transport ship for the construction of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) is safe in carrying out its increasingly dense activities.

"The activity of transporting materials and logistics to IKN this year is more frequent than last year. Last year there was at least one ship, but now there are three ships on average in a day," said PPU Regency Indonesian Navy Monitoring Post Commander Peltu Mes Suharsono in Penajam, East Kalimantan, Wednesday, March 8, confiscated by Antara.

Sejumlah material yang kerap diangkut antara lain batukel, pemasun, pipa besi maupun non-besi, logistik, dan sejumlah material lain, namun yang paling sering adalah batu gempa dari Palu.

The activities of material carriers are more frequent today due to the congestion of development activities in the IKN area such as state palaces, workers' residences, logistics roads, toll roads, reservoirs, drainage, raw water intake, coordinating ministry offices, office complexes, and others.

To this day, Harsono continued, the Indonesian Navy PPU Post has fully continued to provide security for the smooth activities of ships that go outside and enter to transport development materials at IKN and around IKN such as the Sepaku Semoi Dam and others.

In this case, his party always conducts patrols in the waters between Balikpapan City and PPU Regency, especially to maintain and anticipate possible disturbances that could hinder ship trips.

He said that currently there are still three personnel at Penajam Navy Post, but he received information that there will be additional personnel to strengthen security, because apart from the dense activity of the ship, it has also been designated as IKN in the area.

He also appealed to the manager or driver of the klotok ship, to stop transporting passengers outside the hours that have been determined by the government, because this can affect visibility so that it can result in accidents and harm passengers.

"Clotok's operating hours are 6 am to 6 pm. Outside of that hour, both dusk, at night and dawn, it certainly greatly affects non-optimal visibility, so this can result in other things that are not desirable," he said.

He also appealed to the public, both fishermen, ship drivers, speed boats, klotok, and parties who carry out activities in Balikpapan Bay and the waters around the PPU, to always be aware of extreme weather, because recently high waves and strong winds have occurred.