Reasons For The Witness Asking For LPSK Protection, Worried About Rafael Alun's Threat Mario Dandy's Father

JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) received a letter of application for protection from two witnesses in the case of persecution with the suspect Mario Dandy Satryo. They are R and N who are the parents of David Ozora's colleague

"Yes (received a request)," said LPSK Deputy Chairman Edwin Partogi when confirmed, Wednesday, March 8.

Both are said to have applied for protection on March 3. Saar in this case, LPSK is still studying the file to decide whether or not to accept the request.

"Still under investigation," said Edwin.

R and N are witnesses to the abuse case. Because, they had seen David's condition lying helpless.

In fact, when referring to the viral video of Mario's persecution, there was a scream 'woi'. The voice was from witness N.

Confirmed separately, witness lawyers R and N, Muannas Alaidid said the reason his client applied for protection was because he was worried about threats. Moreover, Mario is the son of Rafael who has assets and power.

"Surely people who have money and power can do anything with it, especially if he feels he will provide information that burdens his child, I think it's okay for anyone to worry about that," said Muannas.

Especially for N, continued Muannas, his client is said to have experienced trauma. So, psychological assistance is needed.

"N is traumatic, always crying, if asked to tell me again about David, it takes a psychological companion and R, her husband is so uncomfortable and worried that there will be threats because this case must be ready to be a witness to explain who really is," said Muannas.