Diet For Kidney Stone Patients, Recognize Pantangan And Good Food Consumed

YOGYAKARTA Kidney stones are formed through a pile of certain substances, such as oxalat or phosphorus and a buildup of gout from protein metabolism. When this substance accumulates, becomes thick, then hardens, it will feel very painful to remove it.

If you want to prevent or for people with kidney stones, you need to go through a certain diet by not eating foods that trigger the accumulation of substances in the kidneys. Anything you can eat and drink, check the list of diets for kidney stones sufferers below.

Fluids, especially water, can help dilute chemicals that make up rocks. But it's important to follow healthy advice to drink mineral water. Many experts recommend drinking as much as 8 glasses or 2 liters of water a day. If the activity is very busy, you can add the amount. For people with kidney stones or in prevention programs, try drinking at least 12 glasses a day.

Oranges and other fruits that contain citrus can be useful for reducing or hindering the formation of stones. Fruits that can be consumed for people with kidney stones, including lemons, oranges, and Balinese oranges.

If the intake of calcium is low, the level of oxalate can increase. That is, it is better to get calcium from food. Even though there are calcium supplements. In fact, calcium supplements when accumulating are associated with the formation of kidney stones.

Good sources of calcium are consumed, including milk, yogurt, cottage, and other types of cheese. If you undergo a vegetarian diet, calcium can be obtained from nuts, tofu, dark green vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Along with eating foods that contain calcium, it is also necessary to get enough vitamin D. Because vitamin d helps the body absorb more calcium. Foods rich in vitamin D, including fatty fish such as salmon, fungi, and cheese.

High amount of sodium, if too much consumption can accumulate in the body. As a result, calcium buildup increases. So to prevent or not make it worse, limit the consumption of salt-stained salt foods.

High-protein foods are still needed by the body as a macronutrient or overall metabolic supporter. But for kidney stone sufferers, avoid eating excessive animal protein. It would be better, limit the consumption of red meat, pork, chicken, poultry, and eggs that can increase the amount of body uric acid. Alternatives to animal protein, you can consume tofu, hummus, Greek yogurt, and quinoa.

Foods high in chemicals can increase the formation of kidney stones. Launching Healthline, Wednesday, March 8, if you have ever suffered from kidney stones, avoid completely oksalah on your daily diet. High foods of oxalat, including chocolate, bits, tea, spinach, rhubab, and sweet potatoes.

In addition to limiting foods containing oxalat, you also need to avoid drinking soft drinks and kolodies. These drinks, are high in phosphate and can encourage the formation of kidney stones. Plus, limit drinks and foods with additional sugar, formula, and sucrose or fructose. This material can increase the risk of kidney stones.

That's a diet for kidney stone sufferers. For more details, it is important for you to get a list of recommendations and dietary restrictions from nutritionists. In addition, set a healthy lifestyle and live it continuously.