Consumer Confidence Index Drops, Bank Indonesia: Optimism Remains Strong

JAKARTA Bank Indonesia (BI) revealed that based on the survey results, it was known that the Consumer Confidence Index (IKK) in February 2023 was at the level of 122.4.

Head of the BI Communication Department Erwin Haryono said that the score was quite positive because it was maintained in an optimistic zone or exceeded the 100 scale.

"Bank Indonesia's consumer survey in February 2023 indicates consumer confidence in economic conditions remains strong," he said in a written statement on Wednesday, March 8.

Erwin stated that maintaining consumer optimism in February 2023 was driven by the current increase in the Economic Condition Index (IKE).

"This is mainly in the components of the job availability index and current income index," he said.

Meanwhile, Erwin also revealed that on the side of the Consumer Expectation Index (IEK) it remains strong and still in an optimistic area.

"Consumer Expectation Index is mainly supported by an income expectation index that increased compared to the previous month," he said.

According to VOI records, the level of the Consumer Confidence Index last month decreased compared to January 2023, which was 123.