Visiting Davie Ozora, Metro Jaya Police Chief Visits Mayapada Hospital Kuningan

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Fadil Imran visited Mayapada Kuningan Hospital, South Jakarta. He came to visit David Ozora, a victim of abuse by Mario Dandy Satrio, the son of a former Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) official.

According to VOI monitoring, Tuesday, March 7, at 16.03 WIB, the Metro Jaya Police Chief was greeted by the Setia Budi Police Chief, Kompol Arif Oktara and GP Ansor.

Fadil Imran did not say a single word. He immediately entered Mayapada Kuningan Hospital, South Jakarta.

Until this afternoon the atmosphere at Mayapada Hospital was so crowded. A bouquet of greeting flowers was seen for David Ozora. In addition, a number of gifts containing fruits are also available which are reportedly prepared for David Ozora.

David Ozora's video is consciously circulating on social media. The video was uploaded by the @Seeksexsuck account. The account also explains David's condition, which has entered the recovery and health phase, is increasing.

"Currently David is entering an emotional recovery phase. His awareness gradually increases, opens his eyes more often but is not yet aware of who he is in contact with," he said in his account seen on Tuesday, March 7.

Contacted separately, David's family representative, Alto Luger, said that David was not aware. However, his condition continues to improve.

"Not yet (alert). But sometimes the eyes are open, but I'm not aware of the situation," said Alto when confirmed, Tuesday, March 7.