Regarding The Red Land Dispute Around The Plumpang Depot, This Is The Response Of The Minister Of ATR

JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tjahjanto said his party had ordered the Head of the North Jakarta Land Office (Kakantah) to investigate further about the ownership of red land, namely one of the areas around the Pertamina Plumpang Depot fire site, North Jakarta.

"Yes, yesterday I ordered the North Jakarta Kakantah directly to the field to identify which one has the people, which one has Pertamina, which one has PT," Hadi told reporters at the Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta, Tuesday, March 7.

According to Hadi, later the North Jakarta Kakantah will measure the land in the area, so that it is known about each land ownership in the area.

"Please (Kakantah North Jakarta) be measured, then the results will be reported to me, so that I can make a decision to help Pertamina, including PT and help the people," he said.

Even so, Hadi did not explain in detail what PT meant in the ownership of Tanah Merah.

Furthermore, said Hadi, his party also could not confirm the schedule for the announcement regarding the results of the measurement of the land.

"Yes, as soon as possible because the people also need certainty," he concluded.

Previously, the United Land Communication Forum (FKTMB) explained the temporary Building Permit (IMB) granted by the Governor of DKI Jakarta for the 2017-2022 period Anies Baswedan to residents of Tanah Merah. The regional IMB is given per Neighborhood Association (RT).

"This IMB is the middle way provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, so that people in Tanah Merah can get public services such as road repairs, clean water and others," said the Treasurer of the FKTMB Muktar in a written statement, Monday, March 6. According to Muktar, the granting of the regional IMB refers to Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 7 of 2010 concerning Buildings and Governor Regulations (Pergub) DKI Number 118 of 2020 concerning Space Utilization Permits.

Muktar assessed that Tanah Merah had been in conflict since the 70s. According to him, the conflict has occurred between residents and Pertamina. Pertamina, said Muktar, claims the area belongs to them based on a temporary government decree.

"Pertamina claims the area belongs to them based on a temporary government decree registered as Pertamina's HGB (Hak Guna Bangunan)," he added.

Therefore, due to the fire at Pertamina Plumpang Depot on Friday, March 3, FKTMB urged the government to immediately resolve the land dispute problem in Tanah Merah. FKTMB said that residents asked Pertamina Depot to be moved away from residential areas.

For information, FKTMB itself is the party that witnessed and made a political contract with Anies on October 2, 2016 during the campaign period for the 2017 governor election (Pilgub).