One Village In Natuna Buried By Landslides, 10 People Died And Predicted To Increase

As many as 10 people were found dead buried by landslides after flooding in Serasan District, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands. Head of the Emergency Division, Pusdalops PB and Logistics BPBD Riau Islands Province, Junainah said this number is still moving and has the potential to increase. "The possibility of data being changed. The latest information is that there are already 10 body bags that have been filled," said Junaiah, Monday, March 6. June explained that currently the evacuation process is still ongoing by the BPBD, Basarnas, TNI, and Polri teams. The development of floods and landslides is still difficult to report because communication networks are cut off, so data updating cannot be carried out optimally. Weather conditions, difficulty access, plus decoupled telecommunication networks, he admits also hinders the search and rescue process. "The wind is still strong. The waves are high. The location is in different islands from the Natuna Regency government center. Provincial BPBD remains on standby," he said.

To note, floods and landslides occurred from last Saturday to Monday in several places in the Serasan and East Serasan sub-districts. The area is about 14 hours from the center of the capital city of Natuna Regency, Ranai, if it uses ship transportation. The Natuna Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) stated that at least four villages were affected by floods, one house was damaged by floods, two houses were hit by landslides and one village had a landslide that is still collecting data related to the impact of the accident.