Buy Subsidy Electric Vehicles Can't Be Twice Because They Use NIK, Minister Of Industry: Systems Are Very Ready

Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said that people only have one chance to buy electric vehicles, both cars and motorbikes that have received subsidies of Rp. 7 million.

According to him, the government will use a purchase scheme based on ownership of the Population Identification Number (NIK) owned by each individual.

"So we really ensure that those who receive assistance are the people who are entitled. So they cannot spend twice, one person who is the same as the same NIK cannot do it twice," he said when giving a statement to reporters on Monday, March 6.

The Minister of Industry explained that the government had prepared anticipatory steps to ward off people who were adamant about buying more than one electric vehicle.

"If someone buys it and then sells it and buys it again, then we have prepared the system and we are sure this system is very ready," he said.


The Minister of Industry added that his party is also preparing a number of designs on the mechanism for distributing electric vehicle assistance and also implementing sales in the field.

"Within one week, we have prepared general guidelines to immediately carry out this assistance," he said.

On this occasion, he also said that the target for electric motorcycles to receive subsidies is 200,000 units by the end of the year. Meanwhile, four-wheeled vehicles are expected to reach 35,900 units.